Book the wanted accommodation in just a few steps...
Please make your inquiry about accommodation directly from our website (
After we receive your inquiry, we will send you an offer and further information.
• Select the preferred type of facility from the main menu.
• Select a region or place at the next step.
• By selecting a region and place, you will get a list of our facility and accommodation offers.
• By selecting a facility and accommodation, and clicking on request for accommodation, you will open a calendar to choose the dates of arrival and departure, number of guests (adults, children) and additional options if there are any. By clicking continue, you will open a request preview of your request with the costs of the chosen service and a booking form. To continue to make a reservation, fill in the form and click on send request.
• On the basis of your search for a specific accommodation, you will be sent an offer notification by e-mail as soon as possible (24-48 hours). You can see the offer at our customer centre.
• By confirming the offer, you will receive a written reservation confirmation on the grounds of which you will make a deposit payment and so secure your accommodation.
• List of banks with no additional transaction costs for payments
• On the ground of the paid deposit, the guest receives a paid deposit confirmation – voucher.
• If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us through our e-mail via the booking centre.
• You can see or print the status of your booked accommodation any time at our "customer centre".
• Customer centre:
Please enter your e-mail used when sending your request and request password which you received by e-mail!
We are at your entire disposition.
We wish you a pleasant stay in beautiful
Address us with trust!
Kvarner Express-CroService group